First, grab a small, shallow bowl and fill it with salt. The best kind of salt for crystal cleansing is coarse sea salt because it’s chock-full of minerals and won’t leave any residue on your crystals.
Then find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed for about 15 minutes.
Place each crystal in turn in front of you on a table or countertop and hold it between two fingers.
Focus on its energy as you say out loud! I cleanse thee in [name of element] (e.g., I cleanse thee in fire).
Hold each crystal over your bowl of salt and say: With all my heart, I now cleanse thee. Be free from all negativity. Be pure light always!
Now sprinkle salt onto each crystal while saying: “May all negativity be washed from thee!“. That’s it!
Can I cleanse crystals with salt?

Crystals should never be cleaned with salt or any abrasive cleaner.
The oils from our hands can transfer easily onto the salt, leaving a residue that could permanently damage your stone.
If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to clean crystals, try using warm water and dish soap.
Warm water will loosen up any dirt on your crystals, while dish soap will eliminate grime. Be sure not to place them in an ultrasonic bath, though!
Ultrasonic baths are too powerful and can cause cracks in your stones.
Once they’ve been washed, let them dry thoroughly before placing them back into their protective pouch or storage box.
Can I cleanse crystals with salt water?
The short answer is yes; crystals can be cleansed with a saltwater solution.
However, several risks are associated with using saltwater on your crystals.
If you’re looking for a safe and gentle method for cleansing your precious stones, keep reading for our tips on cleaning crystals in a way that will not damage them. First, ensure that your crystal is 100% natural before starting any cleansing ritual.
There are many inexpensive options made from glass or resin instead of crystal, so it’s important to know exactly what you have before attempting any purification ritual.
Make sure to research your crystal thoroughly if it has been found in nature – some quartz varieties are often mistaken for amethyst because they look alike at first glance!
Can I use salt to cleanse all types of crystals?
The short answer is yes; salt can be used to cleanse almost all types of crystals. The only exceptions are clear quartz and rose quartz. If you have these two types of crystals, DO NOT USE SALT on them.
Most other stones can be cleansed in a bowl with sea salt or rock salt, but make sure that you always do your research before cleansing a crystal – and when in doubt, ask someone who has more experience than you!
A good rule of thumb is if you’re not sure, don’t use salt to cleanse it.
There are many different ways to cleanse crystals and if you want to learn more about them, check out my ultimate guide to cleansing your crystals.
Salt cleanses crystals by drawing out unwanted energies, helping bring in only those that align with your intention.
However, what works for one crystal may not work for another.
It all depends on how you use it and what kind of crystal you work with.
The most important thing is to take it slow and listen to your crystal as you cleanse it — if something doesn’t feel right, stop immediately!
How to cleanse crystals with salt?

Cleansing crystals can help remove any negative energy they may be holding onto.
- To cleanse your crystals, you can either bury them in a bowl of sea salt for an hour or two or place them on a designated cleanser plate for 24 hours;
- Leave it outside in direct sunlight for an even stronger cleansing effect;
- If your crystals are too big to do either of these methods, you can place them under running water from your faucet and let them flow over them for 15 minutes or so;
- They will absorb all that negativity and leave your crystal with a positive charge instead!
That’s it!
How often should I cleanse my crystals?
It’s important to note that cleansing your crystals isn’t something you must do every day.
The best thing is to try it out once in a while when you feel like your crystal could use some extra love and attention.
You can also check out our Crystal Healing Guide for more tips on how to use your stones!
How to cleanse crystals with salt water?

When cleansing crystals, it’s a good idea to ensure they’re clean before using them.
You can do so by washing them with water and allowing them to dry out in sunlight. However, some prefer to cleanse their crystals with salt water instead of plain water.
While there are many reasons why people might choose salt water over regular tap or bottled water (it’s free, for one), it may not be as safe as you think.
To cleanse crystals with salt water, firstly fill a small bowl with sea salt and then pour warm water into it.
Stir until all of the salt has dissolved into the solution.
Next, submerge your crystals into your bowl and allow them to sit for at least 24 hours.
Afterward, remove your crystals from their bath and wipe them down with a soft cloth until they feel completely dry again.
How to cleanse crystals with non-contact salt?

Not all crystals require salt cleansing, but if your crystal feels less energized than usual, try creating a cleansing solution with sea salt (or pickling salt) and water.
The process is simple:
- Make sure your crystals are free of dust and debris by rinsing them off in warm water;
- Then fill a shallow bowl with about 2 teaspoons of sea salt for each cup of water you use;
- Add several drops of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar;
- Place your crystals into the solution, ensuring they’re completely submerged. Let sit overnight;
- Remove from the solution and rinse thoroughly under running water until no traces of salt remain on the surface.
Air dry on a clean towel or cloth before returning to their storage space.
7 Risks of using salt to cleanse crystals

It’s common to see salt added to the bathwater when cleansing crystals, but it’s unnecessary. Using salt can have seven risks you might not be aware of.
Here are the risks and how to avoid them.
Keep reading below the table to learn more about cleansing crystals with salt and alternatives to using salt that may be safer and more effective.
1) The Crystal Shatters
Most minerals have a Mohs Hardness of 6.5 or higher, which means they will shatter at a much lower force than many other materials.
If you’re cleaning a crystal with salt and accidentally drop it while it’s still wet, chances are good that it will break before landing on your carpeting.
This is especially problematic if you don’t live in an urban area where you can simply find replacement crystals at a nearby new-age store or crystal shop.
2) Excess Salt
That’s right; you read that correctly.
Many people use too much salt when they clean their crystals, which damages them in two ways.
It can scratch the crystal if used improperly, and it can leach impurities out of a crystal if used improperly as well.
Excess salt is both a solvent and an abrasive agent, so it should be used with caution, if at all.
3) Water Damage
If your crystals are infused with water and salt, you risk water damage if your stones get too wet.
Water damage can be costly or even impossible to repair – it’s best to keep your crystals out of standing water entirely if you’re trying a salt-cleansing method.
Even letting them sit in a pool of tap water for long enough could cause problems down the line.
And remember: The more porous your stone is, like agate, jasper, or fluorite, for example, the more likely it is to absorb water and suffer some sort of damage from it.
4) Staining
Salt dissolves other substances, so you may find stains on your crystals after using salt.
If possible, try a different cleansing substance instead.
Not sure what you can use? Well, there are many options, like rubbing alcohol (for glass), vinegar or lemon juice (for ceramics), and olive oil (for metals).
Of course, each has risks and benefits – check out our infographic for more info!
5) Deterioration of Your Hands
People who routinely clean their crystals with salt, including for an extended period, are at risk for a certain kind of deterioration on their hands.
Just like your skin can get dry and cracked in winter, so can your hands when you expose them to salt over a long period.
6) Causing an Electrical Short Circuit
If you sprinkle too much salt on your crystal or drop it into a large container of salt, for example, there’s a chance that it could cause an electrical short circuit.
If you own something like an amethyst cluster (which can be quite big and heavy), it’s not worth dropping into a bowl filled with 2 cups of table salt.
Also, if an electrical short occurs and salt gets onto your crystal, make sure you rinse it off thoroughly before re-shelving it.
7) Costly Mistakes in the Future
It is very easy to destroy a crystal with improper cleansing.
A professional may charge hundreds or thousands of dollars to replace your crystal, so you must ensure you handle it correctly from day one.
If you follow these directions, your chances of costly mistakes will greatly reduce.
It can take years before crystal healing starts working for some people, and if it doesn’t work for you, there are no guarantees!
Final Words
If you’re interested in cleansing crystals with salt, it’s important to understand that some risks are involved. In some instances, using salt can cause more harm than good. We hope you enjoyed learning about these 7 risks of using salt for crystal cleansing. If you have questions or comments about our list, please leave them in a comment below! Happy cleansing!
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