Crystals and gemstones are two very different things. They come from different sources and the way they are created isn’t even similar.
While crystals are created by the force of nature and geological causes, gemstones require human work to be finished.
They both have very strong properties and vibrations. But, we are usually attracted to one or another because they affect our aura differently.
If you’re a crystal enthusiast, then you should really know and understand the difference between crystals and gemstones. This way, you won’t be fooled when trying to buy one.
What is a Crystal?

A crystal is a naturally occurring mineral that forms in a specific geometric pattern.
Crystals typically grow symmetrically and often have clear well-defined edges.
They can be formed from any mineral or element, but the most common are:
- Quartz: Rose Quartz, Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Citrine, Smoky Quartz…
- Tourmaline: Black, Pink, Elbaite…
You can learn a little more from each one by clicking on their names.
A crystal’s shape is determined by its atomic structure—the arrangement of atoms within the material—and its internal lattice structure (the way those atoms are arranged).
In addition to being beautiful objects with unique qualities, crystals also have healing properties due to their outstanding energy distribution patterns inside them.
The energy coming from the crystal can be influenced by its shape, size, and orientation.
For example, a crystal’s shape may affect its interaction with electromagnetic fields.
What is a Gemstone?

A gemstone is a mineral that has been cut, shaped, and polished for use in jewelry.
Gemstones are usually found in the earth’s crust and some meteorites.
The term gemstone comes from the Greek word “gemion,” meaning precious stone or jewel.
There are two types of gemstones:
- Crystalline (clear): made up of small crystals held together by crystal lattices. This creates an internal structure within each stone that gives it unique characteristics such as hardness, luster, and transparency/translucence;
- Non-crystalline (opaque): they don’t contain any internal structures. Instead, they consist mostly of sedimentary rock with some metal ore or organic matter mixed into it during formation processes over millions of years ago.
Non-crystalline are also harder than crystalline minerals because there aren’t any protective layers protecting their softer components inside!
The most common gemstones are quartz, diamond, and ruby.
Quartz has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale (this is the scale scientists use to determine how easily another can scratch a material).
Diamond has a hardness of 10 on this scale, making it one of the hardest minerals known to man.
Ruby is also very hard at 9 on this scale – but unlike diamonds, rubies are made mostly of corundum which means they have an additional level of durability compared to other gemstones.
Is a Gemstone different from a crystal?

A gemstone is any hard, naturally occurring mineral polished and cut into a shape. Gemstones are often used as jewelry to enhance beauty, but they can also be used in other ways.
A crystal is any transparent or translucent mineral with a distinct structure or composition.
Crystals are part of the earth itself—they’re formed when certain minerals crystallize underground due to pressure from other rocks nearby.
The difference between crystals and gemstones comes down to what type of minerals make up each one: while both have many different forms, only one type exists at any given time!
Gemstones and crystals are considered valuable and beautiful but have different uses.
7 Differences Between Crystal and Gemstone

Crystals and gemstones are beautiful but differ in their basic characteristics. Crystals are more often associated with healing than gems.
Their differences start right when they are being made, as crystals are found in nature, whereas gemstones are created by human intervention.
So let’s discuss the 7 differences between crystals and gemstones that will answer all your questions!
1) Shape and structure
Crystals have a specific shape and structure, while gemstones can be shaped to any kind of shape you desire.
Crystals are often found to have a specific shape, known as a crystal’s “face-centered cubic” structure.
This means that the atoms in the crystal are arranged in an orderly fashion around its center point, each bit having three bonds and two planes of symmetry.
Gemstones can be classified according to their composition or mineralogy—that is, how they were formed from minerals like quartz or topaz—but not by their shape or symmetry.
Crystals grow in symmetrical patterns when subjected to forces while gemstones are formed by the pressure that comes from within themselves.
2) Creation
Crystals are formed by natural processes, while gemstones are man-made.
Crystals form on the earth, and gemstones grow on the earth.
Crystals are the way they naturally come from nature. On the other hand, gems need to be manufactured by removing certain types of minerals from rocks and then shaped.
3) Category
Crystals are categorized by their shape and the geometric plane on which they grow, while gemstones are classified according to their composition.
The difference between the two categories is that crystals have a specific shape, while gems do not.
Crystals grow in flat planes (like snowflakes), while gemstones tend to be rounded or spiraled shapes that can be made into different forms depending on how they’re cut or polished.
Gemstones tend to come from one specific location (such as turquoise mining in Arizona), but crystals can come from anywhere—even water!
4) Healing powers
Crystals are more often associated with healing than gemstones.
Crystals have been used for healing since ancient times and are still popular today as they offer a variety of benefits to those seeking better health or spiritual enlightenment.
On the other hand, Gemstones are not often associated with healing but represent wealth and power in some cultures.
5) Purity
Crystals don’t have to be pure, while gemstones must be.
This means that crystals can be made up of any one element, while gemstones are made up of many different factors.
These impurities may make them less effective than their counterparts.
A crystal is a naturally occurring mineral or mineraloid that forms in a geometric shape while gemstones are manufactured stones cut or ground into various forms.
Gemstones may also contain other minerals, such as silver or gold, mixed into their composition for added value at the time of sale.
6) Age
Crystals are much older than gemstones. Crystals can be millions of years old, while gems are relatively young.
The difference between these two types of materials is that you can see a crystal in your hand—it’s made from one thing (or many things) that looks like glass or quartz.
In contrast, a jewelry piece made from precious metals like gold or silver will look more like an artistically shaped rock.
7) Transparency
Another difference is that crystal specimen are often transparent or translucent, while gems tend to be opaque.
One reason is that crystals can have strong mineral bonds, whereas gemstones tend to be formed by natural processes and contain many smaller atoms.
Are gemstones crystals?

The term “gemstone” refers to various crystalline materials, usually precious or semi-precious stones, including opals, diamonds, emeralds, and sapphires.
Gemstones are crystals, but not all crystals are gemstones.
A few other types of minerals can also be called “gems.” The main difference between these two types is the way they’re cut and polished.
While gems tend to be cut in rounds or other shapes that reflect light at different angles (like diamonds), crystal specimens may be faceted if they’re used as cabochons (small pieces) for jewelry decoration purposes instead.
Gemstones are usually cut into facets that reflect light in a rainbow of colors, while crystals often have natural shapes.
Final Words
Crystal and gemstones are two very different things. They both have unique features, but there are also some fundamental differences.
Crystals are more likely to be associated with healing, while gemstones can be used as jewelry ornaments. In addition, crystals tend to form or “grow” from natural processes like lava flows or mineral deposits crystallizing in water.