The evil eye bracelet is a powerful amulet. In ancient times, it was used for protection, warding off bad luck, and preventing the adverse effects of the evil stare from a jealous individual.
This is why several people use it for their benefit. However, there has been a recent debate concerning the best way to wear this bracelet.
Some have argued that wearing an evil eye bracelet on the right hand is good, while others claim the left hand is the best place to wear the bracelet.
The question therefore is “Which hand is best to wear an evil eye bracelet? Is it the right or the left?”
In this article, we will explore the spiritual significance of both hands and eventually identify if there is the best hand to wear an evil eye bracelet or not.
Read on to find out more about this fascinating topic.
Can you wear evil eye bracelet on right hand?

Yes, you can wear an evil eye bracelet on your right hand.
You need to understand that the right hand represents the right part of your body, which is spiritually significant to your life.
In the spiritual world, the right part of the body represents the masculine aspects of a human being.
Now, when you talk about the masculine aspect, it refers to the aspect of man that deals with rationale, intuition, creativity, perception, and intellect.
This aspect of an individual is responsible for the several decisions they make. It is how people can easily perceive what goes on in other people’s hearts.
Wearing an evil eye bracelet on your right-hand supplies spiritual energy to the right part of your body, which will be beneficial for decision-making, clarity of thoughts, and others.
Find out if you should wear your red string bracelet on the right or left wrist.
Can you wear evil eye bracelet on left hand?

Yes, you can wear an evil eye bracelet on your left hand.
The spiritual world sees the left part of the body as the feminine aspect of a man. This is the center of feelings and emotional expressions.
Therefore, wearing an evil eye bracelet on your left hand ensures that your feelings are protected from negative spiritual forces and energies.
A lot of people don’t understand the power of an evil eye bracelet.
During my research about this topic, I discovered that several people who wear an evil eye bracelet on their left hand don’t know the spiritual significance.
They wear it for fashion purposes alone… Which is good, but not good enough to harness the positive energy that flows from this bracelet.
Therefore, if you want to wear this bracelet for spiritual reasons, it’s okay to wear it on your left hand.
Find out if you can sleep with your evil eye bracelet on.
Which hand to wear evil eye bracelet?

You can wear an evil eye bracelet on both hands.
I understand that some people have contested against wearing an evil eye bracelet on the right hand, while others have opposed the idea of wearing this bracelet on the left hand.
At the end of it all, the hand you choose to wear your bracelet is up to you!
However, let me provide a bit of clarity by stating the factors to consider before choosing the appropriate hand to wear your bracelet.
- Your dominant hand is important in this equation: The reason for this is that your dominant hand is believed to represent the most active part of your being. Therefore, wearing this bracelet on that part of your hand protects the most important part of yourself from being attacked;
- The intention is also important: When you check your intention for the bracelet, it can provide a clue about how to wear the bracelet. For example, if you desire to overcome bad luck in relationships, then wearing it on the left hand is good. However, if you want to overcome a lack of clarity in your thoughts, the right hand is the best for such a purpose;
- Your intuition is the perfect signal you need: Sometimes, you might not know your intention and might be ambidextrous. Your intuition will guide you on the best hand to wear the bracelet. Therefore, learn to trust your intuition in making such a decision.
These are 3 tips to help you make the right choice of hand for your evil eye bracelet.
Find out if you can wear hamsa and an evil eye together.
5 Benefits of wearing the Evil Eye Bracelet on right hand

In the previous section, it was made clear that the evil eye bracelet can be worn on both hands.
However, your intention, dominant hand, and personal intuition will provide further clarity into which hand is best for you. Now, if the right hand is the perfect choice, this section is for you!
Let us discuss the 5 spiritual benefits of wearing this evil eye bracelet on the right hand.
Read on to find out more.
1) Clarity is given
The moment you wear this bracelet on your right hand, confusing thoughts in your head will be eliminated.
The right part of your body is connected to your intuition and decision-making powers.
When that part of your body is affected by negative energy, it becomes difficult to make clear decisions. And this can affect your career, relationship, finances, and so on.
Therefore, the best way to prevent such from happening is by shielding the right part of your body from negative energy.
This can only be achieved by wearing an evil eye bracelet on that part of the hand.
2) Focus is achieved
If you are battling with distraction, it might be caused by negative energies or a spiritual attack caused by your vulnerability or weakness.
This is why it is important to keep an evil eye bracelet on your right hand at all times.
For example, if you notice that your focus suddenly drops, it signals an attack, which can come from a jealous co-worker, or evil spirits.
However, with the evil eye bracelet, you won’t be adversely affected by such.
Therefore, through this bracelet, your focus can be reenacted, and distractions will be taken away.
3) Heightened Spiritual Awareness
Before a major spiritual attack comes, the first thing Satan does is take away the spiritual awareness of an individual. Do you know why?
It is because the spiritual awareness or activity of a person creates divine foresight, which makes it easy to spot negative energies and forthcoming spiritual attacks.
The moment that part of a man is gone, he/she becomes susceptible to danger.
This is why it is important to keep that aspect of yourself healthy – through the use of an evil eye bracelet.
Wearing this bracelet on your right-hand keeps your spiritual awareness heightened and active at all times.
4) Positive energy
Through the wearing of this bracelet on your right hand, it becomes easy for positive energy to flow through you.
Whenever you notice that your mind constantly flows in a negative direction, this is a spiritual sign that something is going wrong with your chakras.
The best way to prevent such from happening consistently is through the use of an evil eye bracelet.
When you wear this bracelet on your right hand, it purges your mind from every form of negativity.
Because of its divine power, positive energy will constantly flow into you, which keeps you strong and balanced.
5) Mental Balance
Spiritually, the evil eye bracelet on your right hand provides mental balance.
Through a spiritual attack or an evil stare from a jealous individual, your mental life can veer off balance.
This is what causes a lack of concentration, or slow assimilation of facts.
By wearing the bracelet on your right hand, your balance will be restored to that part of yourself.
Find out what happens when your evil eye bracelet falls off.
5 Benefits of wearing the Evil Eye Bracelet on left hand

If the left hand is your best choice for wearing the evil eye bracelet, read on to discover the 5 benefits you stand to enjoy.
1) Emotional Stability
Because of how powerful your emotions can be, it is easy to be attacked by that part of yourself.
Therefore, whenever you notice instability in your emotions, it is time to wear this bracelet on your left hand.
Once you do this, you will become emotionally strong and healthy again.
2) Chakra Healing
When you wear the bracelet on your left hand, it brings about chakra healing.
In the spiritual world, your chakra affects your emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical well-being.
Therefore, keeping the bracelet on your hand, ensures that your energy centers are well-tended.
3) Good Luck
The evil eye bracelet on your left hand attracts good luck to you.
Rather than suffering from the bad energy that comes from jealous people, this bracelet shields you and attracts only good luck and positive energy.
4) Protection from bad dreams
When you wear the evil eye bracelet on your left hand, you will enjoy divine protection from bad dreams.
Demons can’t attack your dreams because of this bracelet on your hand. This causes good sleep and a healthy mind.
5) Protection from negative energy
Overall, the evil eye bracelet brings about protection from negative energy.
It keeps bad energy and its accompanying effects from you. When you wear it, negative energy will not penetrate your soul.
Rather, the bracelet will absorb all the negative energies.
Find out what does it mean when you lose your bracelet.
Final Words
As we have discussed in this article, this bracelet can be worn on both hands. The purpose of wearing the bracelet is what determines the appropriate hand.
Furthermore, the benefits you want to enjoy also determine what hand to wear the bracelet on. I am sure you learned. Share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.