Evil eye bracelets have been around for centuries. The belief in the evil eye is prevalent in many cultures around the world.
An evil eye bracelet is a popular accessory that is believed to ward off negative energy and protect the wearer from harm.
However, after prolonged use, the bracelet may accumulate negative energy and lose its effectiveness.
In this article, we will explore 7 safe ways to cleanse an evil eye bracelet and restore its power.
Do you Have to Cleanse an Evil Eye Bracelet?

It’s a personal choice, but you should.
Evil eye bracelets are believed to protect the wearer from negative energy and harm.
However, some people believe that these bracelets can become contaminated with negative energy and need to be cleaned.
There are several methods to cleanse an evil eye bracelet but It is important to note that there is no scientific evidence to support the belief that evil eye bracelets need to be cleaned.
However, many people find the act of cleansing to be a comforting ritual and a way to reset the energy of the bracelet. Ultimately, whether or not to cleanse an evil eye bracelet is a personal choice.
Find out what does it mean when your evil eye bracelet falls off.
Do you Have to Bless an Evil Eye Bracelet?

It is also a personal belief depending on the wearer.
It is believed that a person can cast a curse on another person by giving them an evil look. To ward off this curse, people wear evil eye bracelets.
These bracelets are believed to protect the wearer from the negative energy of the curse.
The question of whether or not an evil eye bracelet needs to be blessed is a matter of personal belief.
Some people believe that the bracelet should be blessed by a religious leader or spiritual advisor to be effective. Others believe that the bracelet is effective without any blessing.
There is no scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of an evil eye bracelet, and the decision to bless the bracelet is ultimately up to the individual wearer.
Whether or not the bracelet is blessed, it is important to remember that the power of the bracelet comes from the belief of the wearer.
Find out what does it mean when your evil eye bracelet disappears.
How to Cleanse an Evil Eye Bracelet? 7 Easy and Safe Ways

Evil eye bracelets are a common accessory, but over time they can accumulate negative energy and require cleansing.
Here are seven easy and safe ways to cleanse your evil eye bracelet.
1) Saltwater Soak
Saltwater soaking is a safe and easy way to cleanse an evil eye bracelet. It is an effective method for cleansing the bracelet.
To cleanse an evil eye bracelet with a saltwater soak, simply fill a bowl with lukewarm water and add a tablespoon of sea salt.
Stir the mixture until the salt dissolves completely. Then, place the bracelet in the bowl and let it soak for at least an hour. After soaking, rinse the bracelet thoroughly with clean water and dry it with a soft cloth.
It is important to note that not all materials are suitable for a saltwater soak. Bracelets made of porous materials such as wood or lava beads should not be soaked in saltwater as it can damage the material.
In such cases, dry cleansing methods such as smudging with sage or placing the bracelet in sunlight can be used instead.
Find out in this article what it means when your evil eye bracelet breaks.
2) Sunlight
Sunlight is a convenient option that is readily available to most people to cleanse an evil eye bracelet.
The sunlight’s UV rays have been proven to have a purifying effect on objects, and this includes jewelry.
Placing an evil eye bracelet in direct sunlight for a few hours can help to remove any negative energy that may have accumulated on the piece.
To ensure that the bracelet is fully cleansed, it is recommended to leave it in direct sunlight for at least two hours.
After this time, the bracelet should be removed and stored in a safe place. It is also important to regularly cleanse the bracelet to maintain its positive energy and protective properties.
3) Moonlight
Moonlight has been used for centuries as a natural way to cleanse objects of negative energy.
It is a safe and easy method that can be used to keep an evil eye bracelet energetically clear and functioning at its best.
Simply place the bracelet in a location where it will receive direct moonlight for at least four hours.
This will allow the energy of the moon to penetrate the bracelet and remove any negative energy that may be attached to it.
It is important to choose a night when the moon is full or close to full for maximum effectiveness.
The full moon is known to have the strongest energy and will provide the most powerful cleansing.
It is also important to avoid placing the bracelet in an area where it may be disturbed or touched by others during the cleansing process.
After the bracelet has been exposed to the moonlight for at least four hours, it should be removed and gently wiped clean with a soft cloth.
The bracelet is now ready to be worn again, free of any negative energy that may have been attached to it.
4) Sage Smudging
Sage smudging is another way to cleanse an evil eye bracelet.
It is a traditional Native American practice that involves burning sage and using the smoke to cleanse a space or object.
To smudge your evil eye bracelet, light a sage smudge stick and let it burn for a few seconds before blowing out the flame.
Hold the bracelet in the smoke and visualize any negative energy being released. Move the bracelet around in the smoke for a few minutes, making sure to cover all sides.
After smudging, your evil eye bracelet should feel lighter and more refreshed. It is recommended to smudge your bracelet once a month or whenever you feel it has absorbed negative energy.
5) Sound Cleansing
Sound cleansing is a safe and easy way to cleanse an evil eye bracelet. Sound cleansing is using sound vibrations to clear the negative energy from the bracelet.
To perform a sound cleansing, simply hold the evil eye bracelet in your hand and strike a singing bowl or chime.
The sound vibrations will penetrate the bracelet and clear any negative energy that has accumulated.
Repeat this process for a few minutes until you feel the energy of the bracelet has been cleansed.
It is important to note that sound cleansing should not replace proper care and maintenance of your evil eye bracelet.
6) Reiki
Reiki is a form of alternative therapy that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It involves the use of energy to promote healing and balance in the body.
One of how Reiki can be used is to cleanse objects such as an evil eye bracelet. The process is safe and easy, making it an attractive option for those looking for a natural way to remove negative energy.
To cleanse an evil eye bracelet using Reiki, one must first understand the basics of the practice.
Reiki is based on the idea that energy flows through the body and can become blocked, leading to physical and emotional problems.
By using specific hand movements and positions, a Reiki practitioner can help to unblock this energy and promote healing.
To cleanse an evil eye bracelet, one would simply hold the bracelet in their hands and focus their energy on it.
The practitioner would then use specific hand movements to channel energy into the bracelet, helping to remove any negative energy that may be attached to it.
7) Visualization
A visualization is a powerful tool that can be used to cleanse an evil eye bracelet. The process is safe, easy, and effective.
To begin, find a quiet and comfortable place where you can focus your mind. Take a few deep breaths and clear your thoughts.
Next, visualize a bright white light surrounding the bracelet. Imagine the light penetrating every nook and cranny of the bracelet, purifying it of any negative energy.
As you visualize the light, repeat a positive affirmation such as “I cleanse this bracelet of any negative energy and invite only positivity and protection.”
Finally, thank the universe or any higher power you believe in for the cleansing. Visualize the bracelet radiating with positive energy and protection.
This visualization process can be repeated as often as needed to maintain the positive energy of the bracelet.
How often Should I Cleanse my Bracelet?

Cleansing your bracelet is an important part of maintaining its energy and effectiveness. The frequency of cleansing depends on how often you wear it and the type of energy work you do.
If you wear your bracelet every day, it’s recommended to cleanse it at least once a week.
However, if you only wear it occasionally, you can cleanse it every few weeks or whenever you feel it needs a boost.
In addition to regular cleansing, it’s also important to set intentions for your bracelet.
This can be done through meditation or simply holding the bracelet and visualizing your desired outcome.
By regularly cleansing and setting intentions for your bracelet, you can maintain its energy and effectiveness for years to come.
Can I also Cleanse my Evil Eye Necklace?

You can cleanse your evil eye necklace. It is important to cleanse it regularly to ensure that it continues to provide you with protection against the evil eye.
Take the time to cleanse your necklace and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you are protected.
Before you leave, find out if it’s bad luck to buy yourself an evil eye bracelet.
Final Thoughts
When cleansing your evil eye bracelet, it is important to choose a method that resonates with you and your bracelet.
Also, focus your intention on releasing any negative energy and restoring the positive energy of the bracelet.
By doing this, you can ensure that your evil eye bracelet continues to provide you with protection from negative energy.